Ethereum: Got 64: non-mandatory-script-verify-flag (Signature must be zero for failed CHECK(MULTI)SIG operation) when submitting segwit transaction

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Ethereum transaction error: Non-Mandatory Script Check Pavilion problem

As an Ethereum developer, you are probably experiencing an unexpected problem with your transactions. Error message “Got 64: Non-Mandatory-Script-Verify-Flat (signature must be zero for failed check (multi) SIG). “Indicates a problem with the script verification flag used in Segwit transactions.

What is Segwit?

Segwit is an Ethereum’s Soft Fork upgrade to improve the efficiency and security of transactions. It allows more advanced script capabilities, such as multi -sign wallets, without requiring an additional block.

Explained error message

Ethereum: Got 64: non-mandatory-script-verify-flag (Signature must be zero for failed CHECK(MULTI)SIG operation) when submitting segwit transaction

The error message suggests that the script verification flag is set on “non-mandatory” when checking the multi-signature signature operation (check (multi) sig). This implies that the transaction script has a conditional statement (probably using IF or switch) that requires a non-zero signature to pass validation. However, in Segwit transactions, this condition should be fulfilled with a zero signature.

Possible causes of error

More factors can contribute to this error:

  • The incorrect script verification flag : The script verification flag could be set incorrectly, which leads to the “non-mandatory” problem.

  • Script conditioning : The conditional instruction used in the script cannot be properly encoded or validated, causing the error.

  • Signature validation problems : There could be a problem about how signatures are checked while submitting transactions.


To solve this error, make sure that:

  • The script verification flag is set correctly : Check that the script verification flag is really “non-mandatory” (ie, TRUE) when checking the multiple signature operation.

  • Conditional statements are correctly encoded : Double check that any conditional statements used in the script have a proper coding and validation to ensure that they meet the necessary conditions for zero or zero signatures.

  • The signature validation is properly implemented : Check that the signature verification during transactions is properly implemented, including checking valid signatures before the procedure.

Example of case use

To demonstrate a potential solution, consider an example of a simple conditional statement:


Pragma solidity ^0.8.0;

Example contract {

Function Function () Public Platable {

condition of bool = true; // define a variable of affection

IF (condition) {

Request (MSG.Value> 10, “Invalid Value”);

} else {

Request (false, “failed condition”);





In this example, thetestconditional function uses an” IF “instruction to test a condition. To remedy the error, you set the script verification flag on “” TRUE “` (indicating that zero signatures are allowed), ensuring the proper coding and validation of conditional statements.


When sending Segwit transactions, it is essential to review and carefully validate the script verification flags and conditional statements to avoid unexpected errors like it. Following the best practices for scripts and signature verification, developers can be ensured that their transactions are validated and executed properly in the Ethereum network.


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